Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to announce that the International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches (IJMRA) is participating in an exciting initiative designed to increase the use and uptake of ORCiD (https://orcid.org/), which was launched in June 2017.

As you might already know, ORCiD is a freely available digital identifier service that directly links a researcher to her/his work, ensuring that an individual and her/his publication/research activities can be easily distinguished and identified by anyone anywhere in the world.

To facilitate this initiative, we will be strongly encouraging all authors and co-authors of IJMRA’s ScholarOne Manuscripts peer-review system to add their ORCiD ID to their account information before submitting their manuscripts. However, this encouragement to add their ORCiD ID to their account information is not only for authors but also for editors, reviewers, and anyone else with an account on the ScholarOne site.

If you do not already have an ORCiD you can easily and quickly register for one via the following link: https://orcid.org/register. In any case, you will be prompted to add your ORCiD ID to your IJMRA ScholarOne account the next time you log in. You will only have to do this once.

When adding your ORCiD ID, it would be useful if you could please review all your other registered account details: affiliation, preferred contact information, keywords indicating your areas of expertise, and so forth, to ensure that the IJMRA editors have the most up-to-date and accurate information for you on file.

For more information on the benefits of ORCiD, please see below. The IJMRA team of editors and Dialectical Publishing thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter.

Warmest regards

IJMRA Editorial Team

Dialectical Publishing Team



What is ORCiD?

ORCiD is non-profit organization dedicated to solving the perennial name ambiguity problem in scholarly works. Once registered with ORCiD, an individual has signed up to a freely available digital identifier service that directly links a researcher to her/his work, ensuring that individuals and their publication/research/scholarly activities can be easily distinguished and identified by anyone anywhere in the world.

ORCiD is increasingly being used by those who recognize the importance of researchers being accurately and easily identified and, via integration in key research outputs such as manuscript and grant submission, ORCiD is increasingly becoming a required means for identifying information in many familiar situations within the world of academe.

The benefits of increasing ORCiD uptake include:
• Increased transparency for authors; helping authors, and other members of the scholarly community, identify their published research, grant applications, and other works.
• incorporation of regional naming conventions, which is increasingly important for an academy that is becoming increasingly diverse.
• Saving time; ORCiD auto-completes an author’s name, affiliation and other routine information in ScholarOne Manuscripts and Editorial Manager in a consistent format. This helps prevent errors, subtle variations in names (e.g., Cambridge University, University of Cambridge), and ultimately saves time.

To view more in depth information on ORCiD (e.g., mission, values, policies), we refer you to the following link: https://orcid.org/.