12(2). 04. Bridging Secondary Survey Data with In-Depth Case Studies to Advance Understandings of Youth Learning and Mental Health Concerns
Breanna C. Lawrence
Department of Educational Psychology and Student Services, Faculty of Education, Brandon University, Brandon, Canada
Using an explanatory sequential mixed methods research design, the purpose of this article is to demonstrate an innovative mixing of methods via the use of secondary survey data and detailed qualitative cases. This design is illustrated in the context of exploring influential family factors for youth with learning and mental health concerns. The use of case propositions as a central point of integration is highlighted. The integration of the quantitative and qualitative findings demonstrated the multifaceted psychological and relational issues, including parental monitoring, parent mental health, and youth self-efficacy. These meta-inferences provide surprising insight into the complex family experiences of youth with learning disabilities. Implications for theory and research are explored, concluding with a call for more multilevel mixed methods research using secondary data analysis.