The International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches (IJMRA), alongside the Journal of Mixed Methods Research (JMMR), is a premiere outlet for innovative and seminal work in the field of mixed methods research. However, unlike JMMR, IJMRA also is a premiere outlet for innovative and seminal work in the field of multimethod research.

IJMRA provides a primary forum for the emerging communities of international and interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary/transdisciplinary scholars of both multimethod research and mixed methods research. Such communities include the Mixed Methods International Research Association (MMIRA) and its chapters (e.g., Mixed Methods Research Caribbean Chapter [MMRCC]) and affiliates (e.g., Japan Society for Mixed Methods Research [JSMMR]; International Institute for Qualitative Methods [IIQM]; International School Psychology Association [ISPA]).

IJMRA’s scope also includes innovative mixing, combining, and integrating of quantitative and/or qualitative methods, methodologies, designs, sampling, analyses, epistemologies, axiologies, and stakeholder perspectives and standpoints. Moreover, the goal of IJMRA is to disseminate a broad set of approaches that facilitate understanding of complex social, behavioral, health, educational, historical, and political concerns pertaining to the human condition and natural world.

A major aim of IJMRA is to facilitate in the bringing together of researchers who identify themselves as qualitative researchers and researchers who identify themselves as quantitative researchers. To this end, a particular focus of IJMRA is to advance integration techniques in both multimethod research and mixed methods research.

The IJMRA Editors invite manuscripts from a wide variety of international perspectives, including academics, practitioners, stakeholders, and policymakers from psychology, political science, sociology, education, health sciences, geography, communication, management, family studies, marketing, social work, evaluation, and other related fields and disciplines across the social, behavioral, health, and human sciences.

The vision of the IJMRA Editors includes bringing together diverse communities of scholars, students, practitioners, policymakers, citizens, and other stakeholders, with the goals of co-constructing knowledge, co-expanding knowledge, and co-producing social betterment and social and global justice in an alternative-fact and post-truth world.

Manuscripts are encouraged that address the following:

  • Original multimethod research and mixed methods research in the social, behavioral, health, and human sciences. These manuscripts must
    • be innovative inasmuch as they advance the field of multimethod research and/or mixed methods research
    • fit or expand on the IJMRA definition of multimethod research or mixed methods research
    • make explicit the points of interface between methods, epistemologies, axiologies, stakeholder perspectives, standpoints, and the like
    • make explicit how they add to the literature on multimethod research and/or mixed methods research
  • Methodological/theoretical/conceptual/historical issues that advance conceptualization, applicability, usability, ethics, distribution (etc.) of knowledge in offline and/or online spaces via multimethod research and/or mixed methods research, such as the following:
    • History of multimethod research or mixed methods research
    • Landscape of multimethod research or mixed methods research
    • Paradigm stances in multimethod and mixed methods research/evaluation
    • Arts-based research in research and evaluation
    • Types of research/evaluation questions
    • Types of research/evaluation designs
    • Sampling designs in research/evaluation
    • Measurement procedures in research/evaluation
    • Approaches to data analysis in research/evaluation
    • Validity and legitimation in research/evaluation
    • Software applications in research/evaluation
    • Writing with discipline in research/evaluation
    • The value and use of multimethod and mixed methods research/evaluation

Original research manuscripts that do not make clear the innovation or discuss how they contribute to the multimethod and/or mixed methods literature will be returned to the author(s).

IJMRA also publishes reviews of books and software programs that are of interest to the multimethod research and mixed methods research communities.