The International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches (IJMRA) Publishing Team provide all authors with the option to have their individual article published open access—specifically Gold Open Access. This option enables authors to comply with the requirements of some funding bodies, whereby publishing research articles open access is a requirement to receive funding.

The article processing charge for Gold Open Access is 3,000 USD. Funding or discounted fees might be available via your funding body, your institution, or your library. Therefore, we encourage you to check with the relevant body to determine whether you are eligible for funding or a discounted fee.

Please note that Gold Open Access is available only to authors after their manuscript has been accepted for publication and the ensuing article has been typeset and finalized, alongside the other works in the journal issue, in order to ensure that the Gold Open Access article contains the final page numbers. This policy of now allowing Gold Open Access before the manuscript has been accepted for publication prevents any potential conflict of interest, as well as ensures that the author’s request for Gold Open Access does not influence the editorial peer review process and/or the editor-in-chief decision-making process.

Gold Open Access means that the final published version of the author’s article is permanently and freely available online for anyone, anywhere, to read. With gold open access, IJMRA authors can:

  • Share their research anywhere you choose as soon as it is published
  • Comply with any grant funder mandates to publish open access journals
  • Keep copyright of their article post-publication
  • Publish under a license with few or no restrictions on how people can reuse their work. Of course, other authors citing an IJMRA GOA article must still credit the author if they do so.

If your manuscript has been fully accepted for publication and you wish to publish the ensuing IJMRA article as Gold Open Access, please email your request to Tony Onwuegbuzie <>, John Hitchcock <>, and/or Donggil Song <>.