12(2). 07. To Use or Not to Use?: A Mixed Methods Study on Predictors and Barriers of Condom Use Among College Students


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Olga Pysmenna, Stan Korotchenko, and Su-I Hou

University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA



Unprotected anal sex is one of the highest-risk sexual behaviors associated with high rates of STIs. College students often engage in sexual risky behaviors without consistently using condoms. This study examined predictors of condom use among students who engaged in anal sex (n = 242) at an American Southeastern university. Using a convergent research design, researchers used both quantitative and qualitative data to answer the research question. The quantitative data showed that partner communication and gender were statistically significant predictors of condom use. Qualitative results indicated the importance of communication between partners and knowledge of a partner’s HIV status. Qualitative data also revealed that experiential attitudes are an important factor of condom non-use in anal sex. Merged results illustrated that students tend not to use condoms during anal sex overall and the importance of communication between partners.