13(1). 01. Editors’ Introduction to the International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches Black Lives Matter Special Issue


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Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and John H. Hitchcock
Dialectical Publishing, LLC, Bloomington, IN, USA



With this editorial, we introduce the Black Lives Matter special issue (i.e., Volume 13, Issue 1) of the International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches. Inspired by the Black Lives Matter protests that took place in the United States and worldwide in response to the brutal killing of unarmed George Perry Floyd Jr. by police officer Derek Chauvin in Minnesota, during an arrest, we chronicle the evolution of this special issue. Then, we preview the 12 articles in this special issue, paying particular attention to the foreword and afterword, both of which are exceptional. As each work is read, we encourage readers to reflect on the topic of implicit bias and institutionalized (i.e., systematic) racism pertaining to members of Black communities. Further, we hope that readers encourage others to read and to reflect on these special issue articles—and then engage in much needed dialogue with them.