8(2).05. A three tier evaluation mixed method research model aiming to select an adequate MCDA method for public sector procurement


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A three tier evaluation mixed method research model aiming to select an adequate MCDA method for public sector procurement

Mohamed Adil*, Miguel Baptista Nunes+ and G C Alex Peng*

*Information School, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England;

+Head of IS Research Group, Information School, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England


This paper presents the three tier mixed-method (TTMM) design, discusses it in relation to more traditional mixed method approaches and presents a summary of the findings of the research that originated it. This research design emerged from a project that aimed to identify a suitable multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) method according to legal, operational and performance requirements associated with public procurement in the Maldives. This design followed a sequential method and perspective triangulation that encompasses three different methods, namely a systematic literature review, focus group interviews and a quantitative performance analysis. The design was found to be particularly useful in enabling the systematic and evidence-based selection of one MCDA method out of more than 80 potential candidates. TTMM as a general mixed method research framework is applicable to similar research studies where the understanding of legal, operational and performance factors inform the selection of IT artefacts in specific contexts.

Keywords: mixed methods, research design, evaluation research, comparative analysis, multi-criteria decision analysis, public sector procurement